Reconnecting with Ecoversities Partners
September 28, 2022
The GNHCB was invited to the first Asian Gathering of the Ecoversities Alliance from 13th-16th September, 2022 in Thailand. The event saw a total of 32 participants from Bhutan, Philippines, Singapore,India, Europe and Vietnam.
The GNHCB was invited to present and share the GNH experience as a model of sustainable alternative development.The 4 day event was an opportunity to reconnect with partners from various countries for a shared learning and deepening connection within the Ecoversities Alliance. Together with the Ecoversities Alliance, the GNHCB will develop programmes to promote GNH values and practices.
The Ecoversities Alliance is a community of learning practitioners from around the world committed to re-imagining higher education as well as in locally-rooted learning spaces that are regenerating community, ecology, local economy and a sensibility of coming back home. Many of these places are connected with different grassroots, social and ecological movements, indigenous communities, and others.