Promoting GNH Dialogues and what it means to Bhutan

November 11, 2024

On this occasion of the 69th Birth Anniversary of His Majesty the Fourth Druk Gyalpo, I am very happy to join you as we reflect on the timeless legacy of His Majesty's vision for us and our country. His Majesty’s wisdom and foresight set Bhutan on the path of Gross National Happiness- a transformational path towards enduring peace, prosperity and happiness.

His Majesty wanted Bhutan to be forever a progressive, sovereign and independent nation.

One that thrived in harmony with its neighbors and the world at large. One that would prosper within the natural boundaries of our unique life nourishing and sustainable planet earth. Today, we are all blessed to live in a society shaped by this vision.

In the almost three and a half decades of his golden reign, he transformed the country. His Majesty raised our social and material conditions, he deepened and strengthened our culture and spiritual values and traditions. He conserved and nourished our natural environment and made us appreciate the imperative of living in harmony with nature. He left us a legacy of good, caring and accountable governance systems. These efforts are continuing and blossoming to even greater heights under the leadership of His Majesty The King, our reigning Monarch.

Let me take you back to 1974, when Drugyel Zhipa, as a young king, addressed the nation with words that still resonate today. I quote - As far as you, my people are concerned, you should not adopt the attitude that whatever is required to be done for your welfare will be done entirely by the Government. On the contrary, a little effort on your part will be much more effective than a great deal of effort on the part of the Government”.

These words were a call to action, and their meaning has only deepened with time. Today, as Bhutan faces new challenges—economically, with rapid technological advancements, the spread of social media and the migration of our people—we must take His Majesty’s messages to heart, it is now time to ask the question that we often overlook. What are we the people - children, youth, parents - citizens of all ages and walks of life doing to nurture happiness in ourselves and those around us?

While the government is doing its part, we the people need to do our part. In fact, our part in achieving GNH is greater than the role of the state. The state is simply a facilitator of the choice and effort we make. It is we ourselves, as individuals, families and communities that must mindfully strive for happiness. Let us not dismiss issues of climate, society, drugs, mental illness, relationships, loneliness, wars and conflicts as being 'beyond us'. Let us believe in ourselves and ‘the power of one’. Each of us can make a difference to the world. And when it comes to our own happiness, we ourselves, as individuals are the most powerful force.

GNH reminds us that we are all stewards of our nation’s well-being, tasked with building economic resilience, physical resilience and mental resilience in ourselves and the society around us. By uniting in purpose and embracing the values of GNH - living with GNH willpower- we can drive positive change, not just in Bhutan, but across the globe.

I believe our nation has acquired the capacity to be a very happy nation. But are we as happy as we want to be? Many outside the country like to imagine that ours is the happiest country in the world. We all hear that many tourists come to Bhutan in search of the magic secret to happiness. Interestingly, I am told that most are not disappointed. Many tourists end their visit to the Dragon Kingdom in joyful tears having been enriched and spiritually renewed by what they have experienced.

The purpose of this occasion and many others that must follow, I believe, is to with complete sincerity and earnestness- reflect, contemplate, discuss and learn from each other as we agree or disagree. This inquiry must continue when we are on our own or among friends and family. We need to internalize GNH values to guide our everyday life both consciously and subconsciously. In doing so, we will build a legacy of lasting progress and wellbeing for generations to come.

Thank you and Tashi Delek