In addition to the global GNH Centres, the GNH Centre Bhutan (GNHCB) also works in partnership with the following organizations. Together we run various thematic programs both national and international. As we seek new approaches towards our vision of empowering people to sustain the planet with the values of GNH, partnerships play an important role […]
Category: About us
Ms. Caroline Link International Advisor View Profile Caroline Link is the daughter of Harald Link and Princess Assunta von Liechtenstein. Her father is the chairman of B.Grimm, one of Thailand’s oldest business institutions, carrying a 143-year-old tradition of “Doing Business with Compassion.”Caroline carries several management roles within B.Grimm, including President of B.Grimm Joint Venture, Director […]
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} {{placeholder content=’e3ticml6eV9kY19wb3N0X3RpdGxlfX0=’}} {{placeholder content=’e3tlZGl0b3JfYnJlYWRjcnVtYnN9fQ==’}} TAKING GNH BEYOND BHUTAN Many of the global issues are not different in essence from those faced in Bhutan. Today’s worldwide challenges like climate change, scarcity of water and food, economic opportunity and employment, access to education, rising poverty, conflict and have brought people together in our […]
Lhatu Executive Director View Profile Mr. Lhatu, prior joining as the Executive Director of GNHCB, served two terms in the Parliament of Bhutan (2008-2013 and 2018-2023). He held government roles for nine years, including Head of Marketing at Bhutan Agro Industries and Head of Customer Services in telecommunications. He spent over seven years with the […]
Her Royal Highness Ashi Kesang Chodren Wangchuck President Dorji Ohm Executive Director, YDF Rinzing Wangmo CEO, Druk Dakini Mr. Yeshey Norbu CEO, Norbu Bhutan Rinzin Wangmo Leki Advisor Related: