May 17, 2024

Bonnie Tai shares her experience on GNH Impact Safari

Be Intentional With Everything We Do :

On learning how to live a happy life in the Land of Thunder Dragon (1/3)

Since arriving home four days ago, I have been staring at the blank word document on my laptop for hours every day.

I want to write about my experience in Bhutan. One that was so deeply personal, profound, and transformative. A hint of worry and anxiety lingers within that I may soon forget every significant detail of this trip once I return to Australia. The more I try to cling onto my memory, the blanker the mind becomes. I am completely lost for thoughts and words.

As I once again lock horns with my writer’s blocks (while my body shivers and burns in fever), I suddenly hear in my head the calming, soothing voice of our Buddhist teacher who guided us on this journey. I travel back to the day when the eight of us sat cosily in the minivan after one of field trips. She asked us to ponder three questions:

“What touches you? What surprises you? What piques your curiosity?”

Images, sensations and emotions start to flow through my consciousness – like the Paro Chhu near our hotel – slowly, gently and effortlessly. The Buddha is right. We suffer when we try to grasp at what we think will gratify us and avoid what we dislike. To be free from suffering, as another teacher shared, letting go of judgement, desire and attachment is just the start. Next, we practise “letting come and letting be”. Allow, observe and immerse in whatever emerges. Remember that every moment is perfect as it is.

Read the full story here